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Your Voice

If you receive support then it should be of the highest possible standard and should be provided to you in the way that most suits you. You should be allowed to choose how your support is provided, should be assisted to remain as independent and active as possible, and should be treated with dignity and respect by those who are supporting you.

If you do not think that you are being treated appropriately whilst receiving support from others then you should be able to speak up and voice your concerns. And you should expect that you will be listened to, and that what you say will make a difference to how you and others like you will be treated in the future.

In this section we offer you advice on the ways in which you can speak up about the support which you receive. This might involve making a complaint, but could involve giving positive feedback to the people who are supporting you. And you can also rate and comment on many of the care agencies and other organisations who provide professional / paid support, so that others can learn from your experiences and decide on their support arrangements based on what you have said.

Some people find it difficult to speak up for themselves, perhaps because of a health problem, or because they don't understand what they should expect from others and what support they are entitled to. In this section we also look at ways in which you can get other people to speak up for you, and ensure that your wishes are heard and respected.

Last updated: 28/05/2021