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Who might cause abuse?

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The person who is responsible for the abuse is often well known to the person being mistreated or exploited. They could be:

  • spouses / partners
  • other family members
  • neighbours
  • friends
  • acquaintances
  • unpaid carers
  • a health or social care worker
  • any other paid staff or professionals
  • another resident of a care home or user of a care service
  • someone who is supposed to provide a service to you
  • local residents
  • volunteers and strangers
  • people who deliberately exploit adults they perceive as vulnerable to abuse, whether those people are already known to them or not (see our page on Scams and rogue traders for more information)

Whoever is causing the abuse, and wherever it happens, it is not acceptable, particularly when the victim is someone who is not able to properly protect themselves.

If you think that you or someone you know is being subjected to abuse then please go to our page What to do if you think someone is at risk of being abused for advice and details on whom to contact.

Other information and advice

Easy read buttonOur colleagues at Suffolk County Council have produced an excellent video which explains more about abuse and neglect, and may be particularly helpful for people with learning disabilities or dementia.


Easy read buttonThe Easy Health website has gathered together various  easy-read leaflets and videoswhich will help people with learning disabilities to understand what abuse is, and to know what to do if they think they are being subjected to abuse.

Last updated: 19/07/2021