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Education opportunities for people with learning disabilities

Just because someone has a learning disability does not mean that they are not entitled to further their education and develop new skills.

If you have a learning disability many colleges have courses which can help you to develop your life skills and abilities. There are courses to help you move on to further education, to develop your workplace skills and help you to get a job, and to enable you to live more independently.

Following an assessment you may be able to get help from your local council's learning disability team to access education and training in your area.

The organisations below all provide support to people with learning disabilities in taking up education opportunities.

City of Westminster College

City of Westminster College offers a range of well-established courses for young people and adults with learning difficulties and/or disabilities. Some of these courses are linked to community organisations and other agencies, and staff are experienced and skilled at assessing potential students and meeting their needs through individual learning plans.

Westminster Adult Education Service

Westminster Adult Education Service  (WAES) offers a specially designed programme of courses for students with learning difficulties and disabilities. Contact them on 020 7297 7297 or

Westminster Kingsway College

Westminster Kingsway College offers a wide range of courses for people with learning disabilities and difficulties, including those with severe and complex needs.

Leighton College

Leighton College offers further education for young people with learning disabilities aged between 16-25 years and those who may find it difficult to cope in larger or mainstream environments.
They deliver courses on Personal Development  and Employability to build students’ confidence, communication skills, independence skills and prepare them for employment. The courses include Literacy, Numeracy, Cookery, Drama, Sports and Art. 
Tel: 0207 424 1617 - Sousan Luqman (Education Manager) 

Last updated: 10/02/2022